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How to Add Global URL Performance Testing to Workflow

In addition to being able to test the performance of urls (Web sites, APIs, etc.) from locations across the globe using this Cloud Connect application, you can now also automate the mass performance test jobs/workloads so they can be scheduled, added to any business processes or workflow, or be part of a data pipeline in ETL/ELT processes. This is a powerful capability.

This is achieved via an HTTP request "query string", which can then be embedded directly into any process, batch file, scheduler, or series of commands.

For example, the following global url performance measuring can be tested against a demo file (no credits used):


Running with 'Curl'

You can also run this command from a Linux, Windows, or Macintosh command line using "Curl" (must use double quotes within Curl on Windows). Curl (also known as cURL) is a command line HTTP client tool that is generally available by default on most computers:

Linux & Mac

    curl ''

    curl ""

Redirecting Output

Output from these curl commands can be redirected to output files for further processing using the greater-than symbol in both Linux & Windows.

Linux & Mac

    $ curl '[HTTP query string]' > output.csv

    > curl "[HTTP query string]" > output.csv

Connecting to Cloud SQL Data Tables

Here are some examples of using the same HTTP query string to mass performance test URLs globally from an entire database table or view. See more about connection strings.

    (Snowflake example)
    (Azure SQL example) sql&connection=your-specific-connection-string&table=Webpages&column=url&location=Mumbai
    (AWS RDS example) rds postgres&connection=your-specific-connection-string&table=Webpages&column=url&location=Sao Paulo
    (Google Cloud SQL example)
    (Postgres example)
    (MySQL example)

URL Global Performance Testing Parameters

    Parameters specific to URL global performance testing to be set as part of the HTTP query string:

    function	    Required. Use 'speed' to mass performance test URLs from global locations.

    location	    Required. Server location to obtain a round-trip performance measurement from,
                             such as "London", "Tokyo", "Sydney", "Mumbai", etc.

Additional Parameters

    Additional parameters that can set as part of the HTTP query string:

    apikey	    Required. Login to to obtain your API Key. It is how we track and manage usage.
                    If you do not yet have one, register at

    source	    Required. Source of data, such as 'CSV', 'Snowflake', 'Postgres', etc.
                    See source list on interactive page for entire list.

    connection	    Required. Connection string to access database, or in the case of a CSV or TSV file,
                    use the full URL of the location of the file.

    table	    Required. Table name to access the source data. Use "CSV" or "TSV" for delimited text files.

    column	    Required. Column name within the table to access the source data. This is a number for CSV or TSV files,
                    starting with number 1 from the left side of the file.

    reference	    An additional column from the source table to display in the output results, such as a primary key.

    newtable	    The name of the new table if the output results are written to a new table.

    json	    Set to true (&json=true) to display the output formatted as JSON.

    html	    Set to true (&html=true) to pad line breaks into the output results for better readability in
                    a browser when run from the address bar.

Questions? Contact - we are happy to help.

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