For instructions on how to include finding non-uniqueness of a dataset as part of workflow, including scheduled runs, ongoing processing, or part of a data pipeline, see the Finding Non-unique Values Workflow Guide.
* Note: Use connection type = "CSV File", connection string = "", table name = "CSV", and column name = "1" for a demo that does not use credits from your account.
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Sample SQL Scripts in case you need sample/test data for a test drive.
How to use CSV files for data processing within Interzoid Cloud Data Connect.
Non-Uniqueness Report (Product Name Field) Sample:
Hand Drill,5
Cordless Drill,2
Flex-head Ratchet,2
Run scheduled or as part of a batch script? Embed in workflow or within a data pipeline? Execute programmatically? You can run this entire process with a single API call. Example: