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Dataset Matching Workflow Integration

Automate and integrate dataset or database table matching into your workflow


This guide explains how to automate the running of matching jobs for datasets or database tables, allowing you to schedule, add to business processes, match & merge multiple datasets, or integrate into ETL/ELT processes.


Schedule and integrate matching jobs into your workflows.

Multiple Data Sources

Support for various cloud and database platforms.

Single Command

Execute powerful matching capabilities with a single HTTP request.

How It Works

The matching process is initiated via an HTTP request "query string", which can be embedded into any process, batch file, scheduler, or series of commands.

Example Request (CSV source)

Running with cURL

You can run the command from a Linux, Windows, or macOS command line using cURL:

Linux & Mac

$ curl ''


curl ""

Redirecting Output

Output from these curl commands can be redirected to output files for further processing using the greater-than symbol in both Linux & Windows.

Linux & Mac

$ curl '[HTTP query string]' > output.csv


curl "[HTTP query string]" > output.csv

Connecting to Cloud SQL Data Tables

Examples of using the HTTP query string to match an entire database table of company names:

Snowflake Example

Azure SQL Example sql&connection=your-specific-connection-string&table=companies&column=company&process=matchreport&category=company

AWS RDS Example rds postgres&connection=your-specific-connection-string&table=companies&column=company&process=matchreport&category=company

Google Cloud SQL Example

PostgreSQL Example

MySQL Example

Supported Data Sources

  • AWS RDS/Aurora
  • Snowflake
  • Azure SQL
  • Google Cloud SQL
  • Databricks
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Parquet
  • CSV
  • TSV
  • Excel

Data Matching Parameters

Required Parameters
  • function: Use 'match' for data matching.
  • process: Defines the report or action (e.g., 'matchreport', 'keysonly', 'gensql', 'createtable').
  • category: Indicates which set of algorithms to use ('company', 'individual', or 'address').